Management Strategy of Software Testing Services

The objective of the functional tests is to validate if the observed behaviour of the software testing services meets or not the specifications. The exhaustive test of the product requires exercise all possible ways of it, even for a small program, the time required for this is excessive. The objective is to maximize the production of tests, that is, maximize the number of errors found by a finite number of test cases. The technique used to select the cases of test is one of the main assumptions to be defined. There are different processes and methodologies for software functional tests, group in general the activities related to the tests in the planning stages, design and execution of the tests. During the planning of the tests, it is decided what will be tested and at what depth, in the design stage, the requirements specification will be analyzed to derive the test cases and in the execution stage the cases of pre-designed test, the actual result is compared with the expected and reported results.


software testing services

A strategy for the management of functional tests is presented in this paper that defines the scope and agenda of the project tests based on the analysis of product risk, combining derivative test cases using cash techniques black and exploratory testing. In this way, the test cases are fed back designed with the results of exploratory testing. This management strategy is used to perform independent testing services in the test centre of software. The unit or component tests are usually implemented by the development team, because they consist of the execution of activities that allow the developer to verify that the unit components are encoded under firm conditions, that is, supporting the entry of erroneous data or unexpected and demonstrating the ability to deal with errors in a controlled manner, also in order to identify these errors and find a solution.

Integration testing has as objective to present the software completely as it can be done by modules, but this way when wanting to identify an error exist many difficulties as stated by combining all the modules and test the entire program as a whole. The result can be a little chaotic with a large set of failures and the consequent difficulty to identify the module that caused them. The system tests are intended to exercise the system deeply to verify that all elements of the system have been properly integrated and that they perform the appropriate functions. The system tests are considered as the purpose of deeply exercising the system to verify that all elements of the system have been properly integrated and that they perform the appropriate functions. Specifically, it must be verified that:

The functions you perform are according to the established, the operation and performance of the hardware, software and user interfaces are executed correctly, the adequacy of the user documentation is well posed and the performance and response in Limit and overload conditions. Performing this type of test is very essential since it is the point where the errors or faults presented by the software are identified, therefore this type of tests are usually done initially in the developer's environment, called alpha tests, and then in the client environment called beta testing. The acceptance tests of the software is when the product is suitable for use by the client, therefore it must not present any type of inconvenience in the environment where it has to be implemented.

Currently in every organization software testing services is used to streamline tasks and also maximize the development of work, for that the software they use must have an analysis and therefore need to go through a period of testing, to identify the specific functions that must perform and also if the product has a performance adjusted to the functions performed in that place.